- General voting principles: How is presence and quorum determined for the events?
- General voting principle: What is the role of the Tellers if the eVoting system automatically calculates the results?
- General voting principles: How many votes does each Member Organisation have? Does the total depend on the number of delegates?
- General voting principles: When are the voting sessions during the event?
- How to vote: Does only the Head of Delegation have the right to vote or is each delegate able to cast their vote?
- How to vote: How will the results of the votes be displayed?
- How to vote: What is the split vote option for?
- How to vote: Can I change the vote of my delegation after confirming it?
- How to vote: Are my delegation's votes kept secret?
- How to Vote: How do I cast my vote for a simple motion?
- How to vote: How do I cast my vote to select the hosts for future World Scout Events?
- How to vote: How do I cast my vote for the election of voting members for the World Scout Committee?
- eVoting System: How do I access the eVoting system?
- eVoting System: Who from my delegation gets access to the eVoting system and when?
- eVoting System: How do I know the voting credentials for my delegation are secure?
- eVoting System: Is there an audit trail to ensure the integrity of the votes?
- eVoting System: Is there a backup voting option if the eVoting system has a problem?
- eVoting System: Is the eVoting system credible and neutral?
- eVoting System: Can I use mobile device to access the eVoting system? Which browser should I use?
- eVoting System: Can I familiarise myself with and test the eVoting system ahead of any voting sessions?
- eVoting System: How do I access the eVoting system?