Safe From Harm
- How can I safely participate in a World Scout Conference?
- What is Safe from Harm in Scouting?
- How do I identify a Safe from Harm case? What are examples of potentially harmful situations?
- I am just an observer or a partner in the event. Am I also expected to adhere to Safe from Harm regulations?
- Are there any special guidelines regarding Safe from Harm at the Conference?
- How can I take the Safe from Harm online course?
- How do I ensure the correct name appears on my certificate of completion for the Safe from Harm course?
- I finished all 3 Safe from Harm courses but did not get a certificate, what should I do?
- How do I report inappropriate, concerning or disturbing content or situations?
- Can I report an incident if I am only a witness?
- What responsibilities will I have once I report a case?
- Which languages can I use to report a case?
- What are the consequences of breaching the Code of Conduct?
- Why do I need to take 3 online courses for the Conference?
- I cannot access or start the Safe from Harm course on the platform. How can I get help?
- How can I download the certificate for the Safe from Harm online courses?
- What kind of information do I need to provide when reporting a situation?
- What rules apply at the World Scout Conference?
- Why all participants must be at least 18 years old to participate in the Conference?