Conference Mobile App and Attendee Hub
- What’s the difference between the Conference Mobile App and Attendee Hub?
- Which breakout sessions can online participants join?
- How do I download the Conference Mobile App?
- How do I log in to the Conference Mobile App?
- How do I log in to the Attendee Hub?
- What can I use the Conference Mobile App for?
Visa and travel support
- Visa Support: Do I need a visa to enter Egypt?
- Visa Support: Can I get support with my visa application?
- Visa Support: How do I apply for a e-Visa?
- Visa Support: How do I apply for a visa, and how much does it cost?
- Visa Support: How long will it take to get a visa?
- Visa Support: Can I get a visa when I arrive in Egypt?
Your stay in Cairo
- Who is my Host representative and how do I get in touch with him/her?
- Are there any specific health and safety precautions to take when visiting Egypt?
- Is it better to buy a SIM card at the airport or in the city?
- Can I get a e-SIM in Egypt?
- Can I use my debit card to withdraw money from an ATM rather than use a currency exchange?
- What is the best mode of transport to get to the Conference venue?
- Is there any financial support provided to delegates or observers?
- When will observers registered on the waiting list know if they are selected to attend the Conference?
- What does the participation fee cover?
- I have technical difficulties using the online registration platform. How can I get support?
- How do I register as a guest?
- Is late registration possible?
Safe From Harm
- How can I safely participate in a World Scout Conference?
- What is Safe from Harm in Scouting?
- How do I identify a Safe from Harm case? What are examples of potentially harmful situations?
- I am just an observer or a partner in the event. Am I also expected to adhere to Safe from Harm regulations?
- Are there any special guidelines regarding Safe from Harm at the Conference?
- How can I take the Safe from Harm online course?
- General voting principles: How is presence and quorum determined for the events?
- General voting principle: What is the role of the Tellers if the eVoting system automatically calculates the results?
- General voting principles: How many votes does each Member Organisation have? Does the total depend on the number of delegates?
- General voting principles: When are the voting sessions during the event?
- How to vote: Does only the Head of Delegation have the right to vote or is each delegate able to cast their vote?
- How to vote: How will the results of the votes be displayed?
Pre-engagement and programme
- What are the main components of the conference programme?
- What should I expect from the conference as a first-time attendee?
- Where can I learn about which sessions will be available for online attendees?
- What is pre-engagement?
- Where I can find more information about the pre-engagement?
- Where can I follow pre-engagement content?
Language Support
Workshops and Exhibitions
- What's the difference between the NSO workshops marketplace and NSO exhibitions?
- What will be provided to exhibitors at the NSO Exhibitions space?
- Do I need to sign up to visit the exhibition space?
- I am digital participant - will I have access to any exhibitions or workshops?
- How and when can I sign-up for the breakout sessions?
Gamification and International Teams
Candidates and event bidders
- What is the World Scout Committee?
- How are members elected to the World Scout Committee?
- How many members from each organisation can serve on the World Scout Committee?
- What are the key dates for nominations and other election-related activities?
- What are the eligibility criteria for candidates?
- What are the training requirements for candidates?