I am a participant in person:
In plenary, interpretation will be provided through a portable device that you can pick up at the entrance of the plenary room.
Take the device, plug in the earphone and select the channel you would like to listen to.
All plenaries will have human interpretation.
In the plenary, delegate can speak using any of the WOSM languages: English, French, Arabic, Spanish.
Breakout rooms
In the breakout rooms, interpretation will be provided using an app on your phone : Interprefy.
You can find the app in the App store and Google Play, or following this QR code:
Each breakout session with interpretation will have a unique code to put in the app once you open it. Once you have introduced the code in the app, you can select the language that you want to listen to. This code will be available in a dedicated FAQ article about breakout interpretation. It is important to bring your own device and headset to be able to follow the interpretation. Some breakouts will have human interpretation, some others will be powered by artificial intelligence. This information will be made available at the Languages booth during the "Exploring the Conference" session as well as at the helpdesk of the Conference and in the dedicated FAQ article mentioned above.
Except for the regional meetings, breakout rooms will only have interpretation from English into the other WOSM languages.
If you would like to speak in French, Arabic or Spanish, please ask for another participant who is able to assist you with translating your intervention.
Special breakouts
For a few breakout sessions in person, interpretation will be available with the help of an interpretation kit. In those breakout sessions, interpreters will be present at the entrance of the room to give you the kit and explain you how to follow the interpretation.
Those special cases are:
- Arab Regional Meeting
- WOSM Strategy interpreted in French, Day 4 at 11:00 in the room AL Montaza 2 (level -3)
- WOSM Strategy interpreted in Arabic, Day 4 at 11:00 in the room Abdeen 1 (level -3)
I am a participant online:
Online participants will have access to interpretation on the online participation platform. Once you are in the session, look for the little "Interprefy" button on the right side of your screen and activate it. You can then choose the language you would like to listen to.
All the plenaries will have human interpretation. Some breakouts will have human interpretation, some others will be powered by artificial intelligence. This information will be make available at the Languages booth during the "Exploring the Conference" session as well as at. the helpdesk of the Conference and in a dedicated FAQ article.